Bio revitalization

Bio revitalization with HA & PDRN ( skin booster treatment)

Treatment that contains a high concentration of Hyaluronic acid and active PRDN.


New breakthrough ingredient - PDRN (Polydeoxyribonucleotide )molecules are able to stimulate the metabolic activity of cells in the skin to regenerate collagen production. Hyaluronic Acid provides a visible lifting effect by smoothing lines and wrinkles & offers deep lasting hydration.


Bio revitalisation is your go- to - treatment to turn back the clock on aging.


Being around in the field of regenartive medicine for a while- biorevitalisation treatment with the use of PRDN has become a sensation in the world of cosmetology and bio revitalisation. PDRN is a proprietary and registered drug that possesses several activities: tissue repairing, anti-ischemic, and anti-inflammatory. These therapeutic properties suggest its use in regenerative medicine.


Not only bio revitalization is useful for younger adults in order to slow down the aging process, it is also very effective for those with pronounced signs of ageing and loss of laxity. Because PRDN molecules promote new cell regeneration - it is very effective for treatment of scars, including acne scars, uneven skin tone & texture, pigmentation, dark under eye circles, loss of density and elasticity.


Biorevitalization is not a filler, therefore does not offer immediate results. Our Biorevitalization with the use of PDRN is a skin booster.Results can be visible within 3-4 weeks & multiple treatments are recommended in order to re- model the skin.

$550 per session

(3-4 sessions recommended)