Mesotherapy for hair regrowth

Mesotherapy for follicle activation and hair re- growth.Clinically formulated cocktails made of active ingredients specifically developed for hair growth stimulation.

What is mesotherapy?

Alternative to PRP or as a compliment to it, a special growth boosting cocktail is a non surgical and very effective procedure for successful hair growth activation.Ingredients found in the mesococktail for hair regrowth will jumpstart the life of the dormant hair follicles and provide it with nutrients and blood supply.


This procedure has an extremely high success rate as the ingredients in the cocktail have been developed specifically for the purpose of follicle stimulation.A minimum of 3-6 sessions is required in order to achieve visible hair re-growth

$500 per session

(3-6 sessions recommended)


Because PRP therapy uses cells from your own body, most people are excellent candidates for the procedure to treat:

One of the advantages of the Vampire Facial is that not much recovery time is necessary. Some redness and soreness, similar to a sunburn, may occur immediately following the treatment. Some patients may also experience bruising. The redness disappears on the day after treatment, but some patients will experience slight swelling and rough texture of the skin. By day 3, the swelling usually passes, but the rough texture may remain for up to a week.
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast