PRP Vampire Facials

PRP Vampire Facial/ Vampire Face Lift with Hyaluronic Acid
(Options:face,neck, décolleté ,hands)

What is PRP Vampire Facial/ Vampire Face Lift with Hyaluronic Acid?

(PRP) Platelet Rich Plasma treatment for skin rejuvenation is full of natural growth factor found in your own blood.


When the PRP is introduced back into the skin it boosts skin’s collagen and elastin production. Cell turnover is encouraged, making the skin look younger, tighter,fuller and totally refreshed.


Our skin specialist performs Vampire Facial/ Vampire Facelift with addition of hyaluronic acid for maximum results. This will ensure hydration, glossy skin, smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles, improved overall skin texture and tone. In addition , PRP works wonders on scars, acne prone skin, discolouration and sun damage.


PRP Vampire Facial is performed using a microneedling pen devise, while PRP Vampire Face Lift is performed using a papular technique of micro injections ( performed by hand) to manually fill all of the problem areas, much like a filler would. Out Activate skin specialist will consult on the choice of procedure based on desired benefits.

$600 per session

( 3-4 sessions recommended)